Democracy Dies in Darkness

In a surprise tweet, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said he’s stepping down

Dorsey was early to admit that social media algorithms were causing societal harm

Updated November 29, 2021 at 7:38 p.m. EST|Published November 29, 2021 at 10:58 a.m. EST
Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey stepped down as the social network's CEO on Nov. 29 and was replaced by the company's chief technology officer. (Video: Reuters, Photo: Reuters/Reuters)
9 min

In announcing his surprise resignation on Monday, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was characteristically off-the-cuff.

“Not sure anyone has heard, but I resigned from Twitter,” he tweeted unexpectedly, ending his parting missive about the company’s future with “Hi mom!”

For over 15 years, Dorsey‘s freewheeling approach has helped him become an iconic figure in Silicon Valley. He was the first tech CEO to penalize former president Donald Trump, after years of boundary-pushing tweets. He declared in 2018 that Twitter was broken in fundamental ways and invited outsiders to help the company figure out how to prioritize the “collective health” of the platform. And in March, he appeared before Congress sporting a scruffy beard and nose ring, and irked lawmakers by tweeting during the hearing.