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John Fetterman has beef with no-kill meat

Even as bird flu looms, the world is unlearning Covid’s lessons

Some say AI will make war more humane. Israel’s war in Gaza shows the opposite.

Your phone can tell when you’re depressed

The one huge obstacle standing in the way of progress on gene-editing medicine

How the world wastes hundreds of billions of meals in a year, in three charts

The Eurovision stage with a scrim that reads “United by Music.”

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Should humans get their own geologic era?

No one wants to think about pandemics. But bird flu doesn’t care.

What if canceling people’s medical debt doesn’t help them?

How rioting farmers unraveled Europe’s ambitious climate plan

Why Florida banned a kind of meat that doesn’t really exist

Philosophers are studying Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?”

The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

The Future of Meat

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So you’ve found research fraud. Now what?

Is Fallout a warning for our future? A global catastrophic risk expert weighs in.

Bird flu in milk is alarming — but not for the reason you think

The breathtaking lifesaving impact of vaccines, in one chart

Bird flu in cows — and now in milk. How worried should we be?

The meat industry’s war on wildlife

Compassion is making a comeback in America

Filed under:

I gave up meat and gained so much more

Will AI mean the end of liberal democracy?

Are there really more things going wrong on airplanes?

Your brain’s privacy is at risk. The US just took its first big step toward protecting it.

Would you donate a kidney for $50,000?

The dairy industry really, really doesn’t want you to say “bird flu in cows”

The charitable deduction is a complex, broken mess. There’s a better way.

Every year, tuberculosis kills over a million people. Can a new vaccine turn the tide?

A hack nearly gained access to millions of computers. Here’s what we should learn from this.

Why is there so much lead in American food?

Language doesn’t perfectly describe consciousness. Can math?

Mega drive-throughs explain everything wrong with American cities

Why are so many young people getting cancer?

Why the death of the honeybee was greatly exaggerated

Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness saved a lot of lives — and prevented a catastrophe for the global tech economy

Good news: Democracy won in Senegal. Here’s why it matters.

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