Snot otters and other wildlife are not rock stars. Should they be saved?

Heelsplitters, mudbugs and ferrets are among the critters that could benefit from a bipartisan bill, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

April 5, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
An endangered black-footed ferret is rescued and rehomed in Pueblo, Colo. on Nov. 18, 2019. (Video: CPW SE Region via Storyful)
9 min

Pandas. Polar bears. Mountain lions. All are examples of what ecologists call “charismatic megafauna,” a term for critters that spark squeals of delight at the zoo and grace the glossy brochures of conservation groups.

But less charming critters are in crisis, too. Climate change and habitat loss are pushing hundreds of slimy reptiles, scrawny birds and scaly fish to the brink of extinction, imperiling entire ecosystems that depend on them.