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Will AI mean the end of liberal democracy?

Are there really more things going wrong on airplanes?

Your brain’s privacy is at risk. The US just took its first big step toward protecting it.

Would you donate a kidney for $50,000?

The dairy industry really, really doesn’t want you to say “bird flu in cows”

The charitable deduction is a complex, broken mess. There’s a better way.

Black-footed ferrets!

Future Perfect podcast

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Every year, tuberculosis kills over a million people. Can a new vaccine turn the tide?

A hack nearly gained access to millions of computers. Here’s what we should learn from this.

Why is there so much lead in American food?

Language doesn’t perfectly describe consciousness. Can math?

Mega drive-throughs explain everything wrong with American cities

Why are so many young people getting cancer?

Why the death of the honeybee was greatly exaggerated

A drawing of friends sitting at a picnic table in a green clearing next to the ocean, sharing a delicious vegan meal.

The Future of Meat

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Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness saved a lot of lives — and prevented a catastrophe for the global tech economy

Good news: Democracy won in Senegal. Here’s why it matters.

Bird flu jumped to cows, then to a human. Should we be worried?

Can Ozempic be a breakthrough drug and overpriced at the same time?

Pig kidney transplants are cool. They shouldn’t be necessary.

Want a 32-hour workweek? Give workers more power.

AI “agents” could do real work in the real world. That might not be a good thing.

3 Body Problem’s most mind-bending question isn’t about aliens

AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning.

One big problem with how we rank countries by happiness

How AI could explode the economy

Congress can’t get anything done. Except on foreign aid.

Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis is part of a frightening global trend

A Harvard dishonesty researcher was accused of fraud. Her defense is troubling.

Elon Musk wants to merge humans with AI. How many brains will be damaged along the way?

Why did geologists reject the “Anthropocene” epoch? It’s not rock science.

The next big climate deadline is for meat and dairy

Can a friend be your most significant other?

Can we protect and profit from the oceans?

Psychedelics are about to become a casualty of Oregon’s opioid crisis

This AI says it has feelings. It’s wrong. Right?

How the world has radically cut child deaths, in one chart

The tropical disease that’s suddenly everywhere

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