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Animal Welfare

Vox's home for coverage of animal rights and welfare.

Why aren’t we vaccinating birds against bird flu?

John Fetterman has beef with no-kill meat

Bird flu in milk is alarming — but not for the reason you think

The meat industry’s war on wildlife

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I gave up meat and gained so much more

The dairy industry really, really doesn’t want you to say “bird flu in cows”

The next big climate deadline is for meat and dairy

Why New York is suing the world’s biggest meat company

9 charts that show US factory farming is even bigger than you realize

Can effective altruism stay effective?

The US uses endangered monkeys to test drugs. This law could free them.

When one twin goes vegan and the other doesn’t

The 10 most read Future Perfect stories of 2023

The greenwashing of wool, explained

Bird flu is surging again on poultry farms. The US is normalizing the cruelest mass killing method to stop it.

We raise 18 billion animals a year to die — and then we don’t even eat them

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What makes a good cat?

Maybe your cat loves you. Maybe it would kill you if it could.

The new Chicken Run movie is fun — and a damning critique of America’s meat industry

Our love of orcas is making them miserable

Scaling slaughter-free meat is hard. Here’s one way to make it easier.

There’s less meat at this year’s climate talks. But there’s plenty of bull.

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Genesis Butler is leading the next generation of animal and climate activists

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From court to classroom, Jon Lovvorn is working to end factory farming

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How Christopher “Soul” Eubanks fights for a better life — for animals and people of color alike

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Mahi Klosterhalfen is leading Germany’s animal welfare revolution

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Justin Marceau is defending a new generation of animal rights activists

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Kristie Sullivan is quietly, and effectively, fighting animal testing

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Crystal Heath wants veterinary medicine to live up to its values

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David Kaplan is building an academic community for the future of meat

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Catalina Lopez is fighting the horrors of fish farming

How America broke the turkey

You’re more likely to go to prison for exposing animal cruelty than for committing it

Can a social media “pigfluencer” turn people off bacon?

This land isn’t for you or me. It’s for the meat industry.

Dog breed bans are about human prejudice — not the dogs

Zoos aren’t for animals. They’re for us.

Europe might abandon its animal welfare revolution

Human progress has come at the expense of animals. It doesn’t have to.

The bizarre new frontier for cell-cultivated meat: Lion burgers, tiger steaks, and mammoth meatballs

How cars ruin wild animals’ lives

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